A call to return

Last week, I felt that it was the right time to return to my book. So that is exactly what I did.

For the past month or so, I’ve been setting up a business, which is still in production, but I simply can’t keep away from my book any longer. I got a calling from deep within my soul and I just KNEW it was the right time to carry on. This will probably delay the launch of my business slightly, but hey, it’ll get done at some point. That’s the problem with long-term ventures.. it can take a while to see the results!

Nevertheless, I am confident that I can see everything through to completion.  Now that I’m back to polishing my book, it’s like I’ve never been away. And, if I may say so, the revised prose is looking mighty fine! Taking a break has definitely given me fresh eyes and I can now quite effectively cut out the crap. Thankfully, there isn’t much crap to cut out, just minor tweaks and such.

Before long, I should be sending out the completed second draft to friends and family to see what they make of it. Hopefully, (fingers and toes crossed) they will enjoy it! So far, only three people have seen it, and they have given me good feedback, so I am pretty confident that it will go down well with others. I can’t wait to get it out there to a wider circle of people!