It’s done!!! I’ve finished my book! xD

Today was the day, after eight months of story-writing, that I finally crossed the finish line.

It’s been an intense two months getting it finished, but it was definitely worth it, because the first draft of “Pearl’s Hereafter” is now in the bag!

Now that I’ve finished, I feel relaxed and peaceful. When I wrote that last sentence earlier, I exhaled a happy sigh, because my task was finally done.

Wow. I’ve written a book. An entire, fully-fledged book! And I’m extremely proud of myself 🙂

Cruising to the finish line!

Back in April, I predicted that I would finish my book in July… and it looks like I was right!

At the rate I’m going, the first draft should be done by next week! Since I worked out how close I was to the finish line, I’ve been powering through the last several chapters, writing at breakneck speed to get it finished. When you’re so close to the end of the tunnel, you don’t want to stop! Recently, I’ve been writing a new chapter every 2-3 days, which roughly equates to 2000 words per day! Whew… it’s taking it out of me, but I’ve only got three more chapters to go, so I may as well keep up the pace!

It’s a very exciting and emotional time, wrapping up the plot and approaching the end of the characters’ journeys. After eight months of working on the book, it’ll be weird to finally say goodbye to it. You’ll have to forgive me if I shed a tear or two!

See you on the other side guys.